Søren Lose – New Obstacles

La Galleria Riccardo Crespi presenta New Obstacles, la terza personale dell’artista danese Søren Lose in galleria.
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La Galleria Riccardo Crespi presenta New Obstacles, la terza personale dell’artista danese Søren Lose in galleria.
Nelle sue opere Søren Lose utilizza principalmente il mezzo fotografico non per enfatizzare la rappresentazione della realtà, bensì per indicare la necessità dell’interpretazione: la vera conoscenza si basa sul vaglio di prospettive differenti.
In questo senso, le foto storiche della Royal Library di Copenaghen sono rielaborate per suggerire un punto di vista inusuale di monumenti celebri e spingere l’osservatore a un ulteriore approfondimento: la serie Gothic Deconstructions è composta da collage di fotografie della fine del XIX secolo delle cattedrali gotiche di Milano, Colonia e Rouen, disposte in più strati sovrapposti, per conferire una maggiore tridimensionalità alle immagini, pesantemente ritoccate e danneggiate dal tempo. Anziché mascherare queste imperfezioni, però, l’artista le ha enfatizzate con l’aggiunta di pastello, matita e vernice. Inoltre, il gesto - semplice ma radicale - di rovesciare le immagini si riferisce alle fotocamere di grande formato con cui furono scattate le fotografie originali, in cui l'immagine appare precisamente capovolta, trasformando l’osservazione dell’elemento familiare in qualcosa di perturbante.
Nella serie Monuments, l’artista si spinge oltre, isolando digitalmente i monumenti pubblici fotografati durante i suoi viaggi a Lisbona, Pechino, Berlino e Copenaghen in analogie narrative che ignorano il contesto originale, la scala e lo stile e si trasformano così in piccoli racconti storico politici aperti all’esegesi personale.
Completa la mostra, Erections, una raccolta di immagini associate ironicamente intorno al medesimo tema, irrisione raffinata all’interpretazione della Storia.
Søren Lose, nato nel 1972 a Nykøbing, in Danimarca, vive e lavora tra Portogallo e Danimarca.
Alcune mostre: 2018 Out Of Season, South Funen Archipelago, Danimarca; WHAT THE CAMERA SAW, highlights from our photo collection, Brandts, Odense, Danimarca 2017 Landings pages, Andere Wege der photographischen Narration, Kommunale Galerie, Berlino 2016 We Built a House, The National Photo Museum, Copenhagen; 10. Group Show 2006-2016, Galleria Riccardo Crespi, Milano 2015 Spring Exhibition 2015, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen 2014 Unveiled. Berlin and its Monuments, Zitadelle Spandau, Berlino; Home Sweet Home, Dazibao, Montreal, Canada 2013 On the Threshold of Privacy, Mynämäki, Finlandia 2012 Fragment, Art and Science, SDU, Odense, Danimarca; Treffpunkt: Berlin, Arken, Ishøj, Danimarca 2011Relicts, Kunsthallen Brandts, Odense; Pictures from Paradise, Galleria Riccardo Crespi, Milano 2010 Øregaard Museum, Hellerup, Copenhagen 2009 Phantasmagorie, Overgaden - Institute for Contemporary Art, Copenhagen; Northern Europo Exhibition, Houhot, Inner Mongolia 2008 Return to Tomorrowland, Galleria Riccardo Crespi, Milano
Riccardo Crespi gallery presents New Obstacles, the third solo exhibition in the gallery by the Danish artist Søren Lose.
In his works Søren Lose mainly uses the photographic medium, not to emphasize the representation of reality, but to indicate the need for interpretation: true knowledge is based on the screening of different perspectives.
In this sense, historical photos from the collection of the Royal Library in Copenhagen are rearranged to suggest an unusual point of view of well-known monuments and to push the observer to further study. The series Gothic Deconstructions consists of collages of late 19th Century photographs, portraying the Gothic cathedrals of Milan, Cologne and Rouen, arranged in multiple overlapping layers, to add more dimensions to the images. The original photographs are heavily marked by time and retouched, but instead of disguising these imperfections, the artist has accentuated them by adding pastel, pencil and varnish. Moreover, the simple but radical gesture of of overturning the images refers to the large format cameras with which the original photographs were taken, in which the image appears precisely upside down, transforming the familiar into something uncanny.
In the Monuments series the artist goes further digitally isolating public monuments, photographed during his trips to places such as Lisbon, Beijing, Berlin and Copenhagen among others. In miniature narrative analogies that ignores the original context, scale and style, the monuments are transformed into small historical political tales, open to personal interpretation.
The work Erections completes the exhibition. It is a collection of images ironically associated with the same theme, refined mockery of the interpretation of History.
Søren Lose, born in 1972 in Nykøbing, Denmark, lives and works between Portugal and Denmark.
Selected exhibitions: 2018 Out Of Season, South Funen Archipelago, Denmark; WHAT THE CAMERA SAW, highlights from our photo collection, Brandts, Odense, Denmark 2017 Landings pages, Andere Wege der photographischen Narration, Kommunale Galerie, Berlin 2016 We Built a House, The National Photo Museum, Copenhagen; 10. Group Show 2006-2016, Galleria Riccardo Crespi, Milan 2015 Spring Exhibition 2015, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen 2014 Unveiled. Berlin and its Monuments, Zitadelle Spandau, Berlin; Home Sweet Home, Dazibao, Montreal, Canada 2013 On the Threshold of Privacy, Mynämäki, Finland 2012 Fragment, Art and Science, SDU, Odense, Denmark; Treffpunkt: Berlin, Arken, Ishøj, Danimarca 2011Relicts, Kunsthallen Brandts, Odense; Pictures from Paradise, Galleria Riccardo Crespi, Milan 2010 Øregaard Museum, Hellerup, Copenhagen 2009 Phantasmagorie, Overgaden - Institute for Contemporary Art, Copenhagen; Northern Europo Exhibition, Houhot, Inner Mongolia 2008 Return to Tomorrowland, Galleria Riccardo Crespi, Milan