Unpublished Photo 2020
In mostra ventiquattro opere di sei giovani talenti della fotografia contemporanea internazionale.
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We are thrilled to announce our new institutional partnership with MUSEC, Museo delle Culture Lugano: Unpublished Photo, the yearly open call launched in 2018 by 29 ARTS IN PROGRESS gallery and addressed to all exceptionally talented photographers from all over the world, will be organized in Lugano at Museo delle Culture, in collaboration with the gallery in Milan.
With this 2020 edition, the museum seeks to consolidate the initiative by providing it with an institutional framework, a perspective for medium to long-term development, by organizing a dedicated exhibition to celebrate the launch of the project that will lead to the restart of the International Award in 2021, temporarily paused by the pandemic.
UP 20 – Unpublished Photo 2020 gathers 24 photographic works by 6 winning photographers of the two previous gallery editions in Milan: Farnaz Damnabi, Gabriel Guerra Bianchini, Jian Luo, Gabriele Milani, Matteo Piacenti and Francesco Soave.
Unpublished Photo is a photographic project promoted by MUSEC and the Fondazione culture e musei which aims to highlight the leading trends of young fine art photography on an international level, establishing a proper archive of contemporary photography in Lugano, together with the collections of 19th century and exoticist photography conserved by the Museum.
Lastly, the initiative will improve the cultural interaction between Lugano and Milan as privileged and highly relevant exhibition showcases for emerging talents in international art photography.