The Black Sphinx from Morocco to Madagascar
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On the basis of this story-journey, we investigate Africa in terms of the results achieved by the latest artist's experiences from Morocco to Madagascar, as the book's subtitle says, we would encounter too if we wanted to make a journey to discover Africa in terms of artistic research and evolution of visual arts.
Behind the mystery of such a great territory made of practices, traditions and conflicts so far from us, there is a new contribution to contemporary art resulting from the experiences of some artists. It is original, full of fascination and secular magic and strong in its own connotation, thanks to the unconventional ideas and researches that make the art of these authors strongly innovative.
As a result, some artists end up drawing on African textile tradition in order to realize modern tapestries both descriptive and abstract ones (Abdoulaye Konaté, Hassan Musa, Emo de Medeiros), instead of other ones who get their inspiration from disused resources that can be few available remains used to create stunning artistc objects with the recycling approach (Moffat Takadiwa), or fashion newspaper clippings combined to create modern collage mosaics on canvas (Vitshois Mwilambwe Bondo).
The exhibition presents also a more conceptual perspective with artists from Morocco (Mounir Fatmi) and Tunisia (Nidhal Chameck, Yesmine Ben Khelil), usual to the European school thanks to France, the port of entry where they have spent a long time, living and facing up to a different reality.
The same goes for the other end, South Africa, where there are artists who use more sophisticated languages, close to north African experiences (Rowan Smith, Cameron Platter).
The scenario is very heterogeneous, full of artists whose experiences are not to be seen as alternatives but as complementary and mutually enhancing ones. They contribute to give us a slice of a world where the hunting ground has turned into a ground that conquers us through art.
Featured artists:
Abdoulaye Konaté, Mounir Fatmi, Nidhal Chamekh, Yesmine Ben Khelil, Hassan Musa,
Julien Creuzet, Emo de Medeiros, Ouattara Watts, Rowan Smith, Cameron Platter,
Vitshois Mwilambwe Bondo, Moffat Takadiwa, Joël Andrianomearisoa