Space Caviar – Fortress of Solitude

Informazioni Evento

Piazza Grillo Cattaneo 2R , Genova, Italia
Dal al

ore 19

Space Caviar (Simone C. Niquille)
arte contemporanea, inaugurazione, personale

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Opening of the new project space White Hole in Genoa, Italy.
White Hole is a project by Lorenza Baroncelli, Marco Ferrari,
Joseph Grima, Antonio Ottomanelli, Elisa Pasqual.
In collaboration with Simone C. Niquille and Fitzgerald G. Saenger.
January 31st, 2015 — 7 pm
Piazza Grillo Cattaneo Genoa, Italy
Inaugural exhibition:
31 Jan — 28 Feb 2015
A film by Space Caviar/Simone C. Niquille
White Hole is new project space opening in Genoa (Italy) to be presented by the founders
Lorenza Baroncelli, Marco Ferrari, Joseph Grima, Antonio Ottomanelli, Elisa Pasqual from
31st January to December 2015. The first exhibition Fortress of Solitude by Space Caviar/
Simone C. Niquille will be on show from 31st January to 28 February 2015.
White Hole is a project space devoted to the production and dissemination of critical investigations
into the relationship between technology, authority, the landscape and everyday life. It operates as
a platform through which an international network of contributors and researchers can investigate,
document and debate the forces—visible and invisible—that shape the contemporary landscape.
Inspired by the astrophysical concept of the white hole, a hypothetical region of spacetime which is
inaccessible from the outside, the gallery itself cannot be entered although matter and light can
escape from it. Its primary function is to project critical debate—increasingly confined to the online
realm—into the public domain. The space does not have opening hours and can be visited at any
White Hole will exhibit 12 works over the course of 2015, displaying each piece for the duration of
one month.
Fortress of Solitude
a film by Space Caviar (Simone C. Niquille)
Fortress of Solitude is an essay film investigating the technology used to make our homes smarter.
In three chapters it questions the military-domestic complex, a consequence of the constant strive
for safety and comfort through home automation. It investigates the paradox of owner’s pride vs
paranoia. The film is occasionally interspersed with fictional product proposals while following the
everyday chat conversation of a single mom and her home. Visually the film follows a path of
architectural domestic future-visions and accidental dwelling spaces, from Tokyo’s Nakagin Tower
to Snowden’s Hong Kong hideout hotel ‘Mira’ to a military bunker turned luxury hotel in
Switzerland. Fortress of Solitude has been commissioned for Biennale Interieur 2014.For further information please visit:
Press Information
Lorenza Baroncelli
[email protected]
+39 3392539968
Note to editors:
Lorenza Baroncelli is an architect, researcher and curator based in Milan, Italy.
She has been scientific director of the Swiss pavilion curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist at the 14th
Architecture Biennale of Venice and co-founder of the daily journal the Tomorrow.
She has been co-director of Equipo de Mazzanti in Bogota (Colombia) and architect at Stefano
Boeri Architects. She has been published in national and international architecture magazines such
as Abitare, Domus and Huffington Post. @lorenzabaroncel
Marco Ferrari is an architect and designer. He is co-founder of Folder, a design and visual
research agency based in Milan. He has been Creative Director of Domus magazine between
2011 and 2013. Besides the professional activity, he currently teaches Theories and Methods
of Representation at ISIA, Urbino and Information Design at IUAV, Venice. @mariofaranda
Joseph Grima is an architect, writer and editor based in Genoa, Italy. He has previously edited
Domus magazine and directed Storefront for Art and Architecture, an independent gallery in New
York. In 2012 he was co-curator of the first edition of the Istanbul Design Biennial. He has curated
exhibitions and presented work in numerous international venues including the Venice Architecture
Biennale, New York’s New Museum of Contemporary Art and the Triennale di Milano.
Elisa Pasqual, visual designer and PhD researcher at IUAV University of Venice, currently
investigating the observable image of national identity in today’s globalized world.
In 2011 she co-founded Folder, a design and visual research agency working on cultural and
commercial projects, from concept to solution. Besides her professional activity, she teaches Visual
Design both in the graduate and postgraduate programs at IUAV since 2008. @elisa_pa
Antonio Ottomanelli is an architect and photographer.
Until 2012 he is adjunct professor at the Polytechnic of Milan. In 2009 he founded IRA-C, public
platform for research in the field of urban and social strategies. He is chief curator
of PLANAR, a center for contemporary photography based in Bari. Over the past four years he has
worked in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine. His works have been published in architectural
magazines such as Area, Abitare, AR, Domus, and others such as Internazionale and Ojo De Pez.
His work has been presented at numerous international festivals: Berlin 2010 (D), ARIA project Kreuzberg Pavillon; Dallas 2012 (USA), Dallas Art Biennial; Istanbul 2012 (TR), Design Biennial;
Arles 2012 (FR) Rencontres D'arles, nuit de l'année; Holon 2013 (IL), cartography of the unseen -
research Gallery Holon Institute of Technology; London 2014 (UK), TINAG 14 This Is Not A
Gateway festival; Venice 2014 (IT) Architecture Bienniale 2014. @AO_PH
Notes to exhibition:
Space Caviar is a design research collaborative operating at the intersection of architecture,
technology, politics and the public realm. Based in Genoa, Italy, the studio uses exhibitions,
publishing, writing and film to investigate and document the production of space and contemporary
modes of habitation as forms of social and political practice. @spacecaviar
Simone C. Niquille is a Swiss graphic designer and researcher. Her practice investigates
networked optics, private spaces and facial economies. Her work was recently exhibited at
Biennale Interieur, Kortrijk (2014), Chaumont Graphic Design Festival (2014) and TodaysArt
Festival, The Hague (2013). She writes a monthly column on technology, the body and privacy for
Sang Bleu Magazine. Currently she is part of design research collaborative Space Caviar in
Genova, Italy. She has received a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design in 2010 and graduated
with a Masters in Visual Strategies from the Sandberg Institute Amsterdam in 2013.