Santiago Reyes Villaveces / Paolo Ciregia
Nella main room mostra personale di Santiago Reyes Villaveces (Colombia, 1986) e nel project space mostra personale di Paolo Ciregia.
Comunicato stampa
Ncontemporary is pleased to announce the second solo exhibition by Santiago Reyes Villaveces (Colombia , 1986) at the gallery, "Ciàula scopre la luna" (Ciàula discovers the moon). In the spaces of the main gallery the artist investigates how the Moon, the star par excellence, aimed at lightening dark nights and inspiring artists and poets, has over time lost its symbolic meaning full of romanticism and sacredness to make room for science and technology. The Moon becomes a planetary body like the Earth and other planets that revolve around the Sun to the point of potentially becoming a source for mining.
The project room will host Paolo Ciregia's (Italy, 1987) exhibition "Alfabeto ostile" (Hostile Alphabet), presented in 2019 at the Ca 'Foscari University on the occasion of the 2018 Sustainable Art Prize. Alfabeto ostile is a work divided into 24 brass shapes obtained through research and archiving of the bollards and anti clochard barriers present in our cities. These objects, decontextualized and transformed into pungent forms, almost become an archaic and hostile alphabet made of incomprehensible letters and symbols, formally placing themselves somewhere between a design product and a tool of torture.
Santiago Reyes Villaveces
Ciàula scopre la Luna
Ncontemporary Milan
Opening 29 June 2022
Paolo Ciregia
Alfabeto Ostile
Ncontemporary Project Room
Opening 29 June 2022