Mario Sughi – Un desiderio senza più tempo
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Mostra personale
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6° Senso Art Gallery is proud to present the new personal exhibition of Mario Sughi, that will be opened on Thursday, the 15th of march at 18.30.
In the exhibition there will be on display the latest art works of the artist, unique pieces, realized with a the technology of new mix media, gained trough digital and traditional painting, photography and drawing.
These art works are all characterized by strong and cheerful colours, on plane surfaces that highlight the elegant images, the composition, the light, the volume and the sense of depth.
The art works represent scenes from daily live, where single or not many figures, who are mainly feminine, pose in open space places like parks, beaches, meadows and terraces.
The figures that the artist show seem to be looking for moments of separation, of reflections and thoughts or simply for a place where they can relax, and they seem to have the desire to have a moment of tranquillity from daily life and to stop the time, that always flies to fast and seems to disappear and vanish so quickly.
The most fascinating and interesting thing for Mario Sughi is the play of lights, colors and volumes, but also the observation of daily life, of the casual stories that tell human lives.
Mario Sughi comes from an artisic family, son of the famous and talented painter Alberto Sughi, in whose studio he started to draw and paint.
Mario Sughi lives in Dublin, where he started his career a few years ago.
At the end of the 1970ies he begins to work as an illustrator, publishing his first drawings and illustrations for two famous satirical magazines that were popular at that time:
The „Il Male“ and „Zut“.
In the 1980ies he produces his first collection of comics, that carry the name „Sabato e Domenica“. At first his works were minimalistic, rich of colors, humor and irony and they where published and inserted in illustrated catalogues and presented in art galleries in America and Europe.
In Dublin, he fully started to dedicate his time to his job as an illustrator and artist and he started to use different technologies, especially digital ones, for his art.
He is a member of IGI (Illustrators Guild of Ireland) and of AI (Associazione Illustratori Italiani = association of Italian illustrators). He has won important prizes and recognitions in the past years. In 2009 the 2009 LÜrzer’s Archive has included Mario Sughi in the catalogue of the „200 best illustrators of the world“. In 2010 and in 2011 his works have been published in two relevant editions of the „Annuario degli Illustratori Italiani“ (=„annual edition of Italian illustrators“), in the 7th annual edition of the „3x3“ New York Magazine and in the and edition of the creative Works section of the „Aesthetica Magazine“ of London.
His reputation grows very fast and his works are present in privat and public collections, such as the Municipal Gallery of Waterford, the Museo d'Arte Contemporanea of Cassino (CAMUSAC) and in the l'Absolute Art Collection.
In 2011 he was presented at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura (the Italian cultural institute) in Dublin, being part of the 54th Biennale in Venice in the Italian Pavillon of the world.
His art works have been presented in exhibitions at different places in Waterford (2012), Rome (2012 - 6° Senso Art Gallery), Vicenza (2013), Mannheim (2014 and 2015), Aberdeen (2016), Torino (2016), Athlone (2017) and Drogheda (2017). His art works have furthermore been installed at the Airport of Dublin (2011), at the NHOW Hotel (Milano 2013), in the Grosby Park (Dublin, 2015) and at the public Library of Raheny (Dublin, 2016) and presented in the last six exhibitions of the RHA in Dublin.