Jim Shaw / Marnie Weber

In parallelo con il tema di “The Milk of Dreams”, titolo della 59esima Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Biennale di Venezia, sia Shaw che Weber trasformano il luogo comune e l’inquietante in narrazioni oniriche e mondi magici che svelano i misteri del nostro subconscio e dell’immaginazione.
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Simon Lee Gallery and Zuecca Projects are pleased to present a joint exhibition of works by Jim Shaw and Marnie Weber at Squero Castello in Venice, Italy, from April 20 to July 24, 2022.
The works of Shaw and Weber span a wide range of artistic media and visual imagery, from the detritus of American culture to the surreal worlds of fantasy and folklore, both drawing from the subconscious as their source of artistic creativity. In parallel with the theme of The Milk of Dreams, the 59th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, both Shaw and Weber transform the personal, the commonplace and the uncanny into dream-like narratives and magical worlds that unfold the mysteries of our subconscious and imagination.