Driant Zeneli – When Dreams Become Necessity
Prometeogallery è lieta di presentare la seconda personale dell’artista albanese Driant Zeneli con la trilogia When Dreams Become Necessity (2009-2014).
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Prometeogallery è lieta di presentare la seconda personale dell’artista albanese Driant Zeneli con la trilogia When Dreams Become Necessity (2009-2014).
Qual è la più seducente promessa di felicità dietro una condizione generale di disincanto?
When Dreams Become Necessity indaga la portata di alcuni tentativi performativi con l’obbiettivo di ridefinire l'idea di fallimento, utopia e sogno come momenti fondamentali per la costruzione di una possibile alternativa.
When Dreams Become Necessity è composta da tre video: The Dream of Icarus Was to Make a Cloud (2009) è il tentativo di realizzare una nuvola volando con un parapendio; in Some Say the Moon is Easy to Touch ... (2011) l’artista si lancia con il bungee jumping per toccare la luna il giorno in cui questa si trova alla minima distanza dalla terra. In Don’t Look at The Sun While You’re Expecting to Cross It (2014) l’artista decide di attraversare il sole dopo che la cometa Lovejoy nel 2011 ha transitato nel perielio, rimanendo intatta.
Come indicato nei titoli, nelle tre azioni performative l’artista cerca di raggiungere degli obbiettivi comunemente percepiti come impossibili. L’attesa e la preparazione tecnica occupano quasi interamente la durata di ciascun video, risolvendosi rapidamente nel raggiungimento dell’obbiettivo e nel conseguente disfacimento dell’illusione. L’immaginazione non si esaurisce di fronte all’insuccesso personale né si impoverisce di fronte ai fallimenti della scienza ma ne accetta le sfide, aprendosi alla riflessione e alla ricerca in grado di trasformare la promessa in impegno.
La trilogia:
Don’t Look at The Sun While You’re Expecting to Cross It (2014), viene presentata per la prima volta in questa occasione. Prodotto da Vulcano - Unità di produzione contemporanea, Venezia.
Some Say the Moon is Easy to Touch … (2011) è stata presentata per la prima volta in occasione della partecipazione dell' artista al Padiglione Albanese alla 54ma Biennale di Venezia (2011).
The Dream of Icarus Was to Make a Cloud (2009) è l’opera vincitrice del premio Young European Artist Award Trieste Contemporanea (2009).
Driant Zeneli (1983, Shkoder, Albania) vive e lavora a Roma.
Nel 2011 ha rappresentato l’Albania alla 54ma Biennale di Venezia. Nel 2008 ha vinto il Premio Onufri Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea, Tirana, e nel 2009 il premio Young European Artist Award Trieste Contemporanea.
Ha esposto presso: Viafarini, Milano (2014); GAM, Torino (2013); White House Biennial, Atene (2013); KCCC, Klaipeda (2013); ZKM, Karlsruhe (2012); MUSAC, Castiglia, León.(2012); TICA, Tirana (2012); Prague Biennale 5, Praga (2011); 98 weeks Project Space, Beirut (2011); Trongate 103, Glasgow (2011); National Gallery of Kosove, Prishtine (2010); Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce, Genova (2009); Studio Tommaseo, Trieste, (2009); National Gallery of Tirana, (2008).
English version:
Prometeogallery is pleased to present the second solo exhibition by Albanian artist Driant Zeneli featuring the trilogy entitled When Dreams Become Necessity (2009-2014).
What is the most seductive promise of happiness cached behind a general condition of disenchantment?
When Dreams Become Necessity investigates the importance of some performative attempts with the aim of redefining the idea of failure, Utopia and dreams as foundational moments for building a possible alternative.
When Dreams Become Necessity is comprised of three videos: The Dream of Icarus Was to Make a Cloud (2009) is an attempt to create a cloud by flying with a paraglider; in Some Say the Moon is Easy to Touch... (2011) the artist launches himself in a bungee jump to touch the moon on the day this satellite is at the minimum distance from earth. In Don’t Look at The Sun While You’re Expecting to Cross It (2014) he decides to cross the sun after the Lovejoy comet passed through the perihelion in 2011, remaining intact.
In the three performative actions, as stated in the titles, the artist tries to reach objectives commonly perceived as impossible. The anticipation and the technical preparation occupy practically the entire length of each video, and come to a quick conclusion in attaining the goal and in the consequent rupture of the illusion. The imagination is not drained by the personal failure nor is it impoverished by the failures of science; rather, it accepts the challenges, opening itself up to reflection and to the research that can turn the promise into a commitment.
The trilogy:
Don’t Look at The Sun While You’re Expecting to Cross It (2014), is presented for the first time on this occasion. Produced by Vulcano - Unità di produzione contemporanea, Venice.
Some Say the Moon is Easy to Touch... (2011) was presented for the first time on the occasion of the artist’s participation at the Albanian Pavilion of the 54th Venice Biennale (2011).
The Dream of Icarus Was to Make a Cloud (2009) is the winner of the Young European Artist Award Trieste Contemporanea (2009).
Driant Zeneli (born in 1983 in Shkoder, Albania) lives and works in Rome.
In 2011 he represented Albania at the 54th Venice Biennale. In 2008 he won the Onufri International Contemporary Art Prize, Tirana, and in 2009 the Young European Artist Award Trieste Contemporanea.
He has exhibited at: Viafarini, Milan (2014); GAM, Turin (2013); White House Biennial, Athens (2013); KCCC, Klaipeda (2013); ZKM, Karlsruhe (2012); MUSAC, Castilla, León.(2012); TICA, Tirana (2012); Prague Biennale 5, Prague (2011); 98 weeks Project Space, Beirut (2011); Trongate 103, Glasgow (2011); National Gallery of Kosove, Prishtine (2010); Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce, Genoa (2009); Studio Tommaseo, Trieste, (2009); National Gallery of Tirana, (2008).