17. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Padiglione Argentino
Il progetto La Casa Infinita rappresenta l’Argentina alla Biennale Architettura 2021.
Comunicato stampa
Argentina 2021
La Casa Infinita
Arsenale, Arsenale, Castello, 30122, Venice, Italy
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Title: La Casa Infinita
Commissioner: Juan Falú
Curator: Gerardo Caballero
Exhibitor: Vivienda Colectiva
Visitors to the Argentine Pavilion find a series of undefined spaces wriggling along a wall that articulates and connects them. Such wall derives from the geometric manipulation of the traditional Argentine family house. The pink on the wall suggests the usual technique applied in our country, a mix of bull blood and lime. Each visitor experiences as many houses as paths taken, just as we do in our everyday lives. A representative selection of works and projects by Vivienda Colectiva are exhibited. All these were built in Argentina as a result of private and public initiatives, contests and investments, through official and private financing. The house will be furnished with tables and beds on which the chosen pieces will be displayed, making use of blue prints, photographs, drawings and miniatures.