17. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Oræ – Experiences on the Border

Informazioni Evento

Fondamenta dell'Arsenale , Venezia, Italia
Dal al

May 22 – July 31 Tue – Sun, 11am – 7pm
Aug 1 – Nov 21, 10am – 6pm
Il 21 maggio alle 15.30, il Padiglione dell'Estonia, insieme a Lettonia, Lituania, Finlandia, Regno Unito e Svizzera, terranno un evento online congiunto "Space me up: borderless living" introducendo le mostre del padiglioni nazionali. L'evento, che si terrà sulla piattaforma www.biennalepavilions.com, includerà video introduttivi e una tavola rotonda con i curatori Jiri Tintera (Estonia), Jan Boelen (Lituania), Philip Tidwell (Finlandia), Manijeh Verghese e Madeleine Kessler (United Kingdom), Elīna Lībiete (Lettonia) e Mounir Ayoub (Svizzera).


ore 14 press preview

Sito web: https://biennials.ch/home/biennial.aspx?biennialid=78

Il progetto Oræ – Experiences on the Border rappresenta la Svizzera alla Biennale Architettura 2021.

Comunicato stampa

Switzerland 2021
Oræ – Experiences on the Border
Giardini, Giardini, Castello, 30122 Venice, Italy
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Title: Oræ – Experiences on the Border
Commissioner: Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia (Madeleine Schuppli, Sandi Paucic, Rachele Giudici Legittimo)
Curators/Exhibitors: Fabrice Aragno, Mounir Ayoub, Vanessa Lacaille, Pierre Szczepski.
Collaborators: Noémie Allenbach, Benoît Beurret, Jürg Bührer, Annabelle Voisin

For the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia chose to entrust the exhibition in the Swiss Pavilion to a Geneva-based team of architects and artists: Mounir Ayoub and Vanessa Lacaille from Laboratoire d’architecture in Geneva, as well as filmmaker Fabrice Aragno and artist sculptor Pierre Szczepski. With its project Oræ – Experiences on the Border (oræ, Latin for «borders»), the team investigates the subject of borders taking into account both the political and spatial dimension of the territory and its sensitive and social perception. «Studying the Swiss border in these times means envisaging it not only as a line on a map, but also as a space to be experienced; not only as a limit, but as a beginning», the authors of the project say.