14. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Antartide
Il Coninente è rappresentato per la prima volta alla Biennale di Architettura di Venezia.
Comunicato stampa
The Antarctic Pavilion, commissioned by Alexander Ponomarev and curated by Nadim Samman,
brings together leading international architects and artists to explore present and future models
of living in Antarctica. Those involved include:
Yuri Avvakumov, Alexander Brodsky, Marcel Dinahet, Yury Grigoryan, Zaha
Hadid/Studio Hadid Vienna, Hugh Broughton Architects, Juergen Mayer H.,
Alexey Kozyr, Totan Kuzembaev, Mariele Neudecker, Alex Schweder, Sergei
Skuratov Architects, Veech Media Architecture (VMA)
More than a century after man first set foot on the world’s most inaccessible terrestrial region,
Antarctica sustains a population of 1,162 throughout the sunless winter and 4,000 in the
summer months (as well as 26,000 tourists). Yet, almost without exception, Antarctic stations
are designed by engineers with minimal aesthetic regard for living conditions. How does their
pseudo-architecture circumscribe man’s relationship with the continent? More importantly,
what are the alternatives? The projects featured in this pavilion are directed towards pasts,
presents and futures whose relevance and power transcend South Polar geography and propose
an expanded Antarctic imaginary.
The overall scenography of the exhibition has been designed by Alexey Kozyr’s architectural
studio and invokes the provisional nature of architecture in Antarctica – as well as the logistical
reality of having to transport all building materials into the continent. A series of flight-cases, of
the same kind used to transport scientific equipment will act as plinths for maquettes by
contributing architects.
The Antarctic Pavilion is a long-term project, initially focused on alerting the architectural
profession to its disregard for what is built in the South Polar region. In time, this programme
will impact upon the design of real stations.