Ziggy Grudzinskas – I Can because You Do

Informazioni Evento

22 Dering Street, W1S 1AN, London, United Kingdom
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
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Monday-Friday 10AM – 6PM, Saturday 11AM – 5PM


ore 18

Ziggy Grudzinskas
arte contemporanea, personale

Mostra personale

Comunicato stampa

Ronchini Gallery is proud to announce the first London solo exhibition of works by Ziggy Grudzinskas. Grudzinskas’ painting practice is a dedicated investigation of materials and the perception of the image. Having recently graduated from the Royal Academy Schools, this body of work will continue to build upon his background in graffiti art to create large scale abstract works on polyester. Compositions arise organically in a combination of free drawing and reactionary practices. Utilising materials from fine arts restoration to industrial permanent inks, the paintings attempt to perform as moments of suspended animation.

Following the traditions of Abstraction, Grudzinskas’ work is indebted to the past, whilst aspiring to the future. The material possibilities of these modern fabrics are opened up and reapplied within the conventions of painting. Physical layers of polyester are combined with various techniques that bleed and meld the gestures with the object and the surfaces. Within coded motifs the viewer is invited into this reanimated world to question what is presented compared to what is seen.

For this exhibition, Ronchini Gallery will present all new works by the artist, alongside a site-specific installation on the façade of the gallery.

Left: Ziggy Grudzinskas, Revisit, 2014, bitumen paint & spray paint on linen, 250 x 180 cm, Courtesy the artist and Ronchini Gallery
Right: Ziggy Grudzinskas, More Or Less, 2014, bitumen paint & spray paint on linen, 244 x 183 cm, Courtesy the artist and Ronchini Gallery

Ziggy Grudzinskas (b. 1982, Sydney, Australia) is a recent graduate from the Royal Academy Schools. He received his BA in painting from Camberwell College of Arts in 2010. Recent exhibitions include: All That Matters Is What’s Left Behind, Ronchini Gallery, London (2014); What do YOU Represent?, The Nursery, London (2014); Wu-Tang Is For The Children, Londonewcastle Project Space, London (2014); Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London (2014); DUBL TRUBL, Urban Spree, Berlin (2014). He currently lives and works in London.