Sará un artista

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Wizard Gallery is glad to announce the group exhibition "SARÀ UN ARTISTA " with a selection of works by artists Mattia Bosco (Milan, 1976); Gian Martino Cecere (Waldshut, 1990); Fausto Gilberti (Brescia, 1970); Agnese Guido (Copertino (LE), 1982) and Natalia Jona (Poland, 1989).
The title refers to an artwork created by Fausto Gilberti in 2022: a small ink on paper depicting two women characteristics of his creations, stylized with large, bewildered eyes of whom is pregnant.
"She will be an artist," says the expectant mother: a visual narrative that becomes a prophecy and promise at the same time.
The exhibition pays homage to the artistic principle inherent in the aesthetic research of the five artists present, each with their language.
Opening on September 14th from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
From 15th on open Monday to Friday, from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Free admission