Glass + A
Mostra collettiva.
Comunicato stampa
GLASS + A approaches the world of glass from a holistic perspective, exploring key ideas related to the qualities and characteristics of glass such as fragility, transparency, and also sharpness.
Join us in bridging the past and the present, experiencing glass in all its multifaceted, even unexpected forms.
Participating artists:
AES+F, Anais Albar, Ville Anderson, Maria Anwader, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Pilar Cavestany, Oliver Czarnetta, Nathalia Edenmont, Fabio Fornasier, Gonzalez + Zapata, Riccardo Guarneri ,Zaha Hadid, Yves Hayatt, Dominique Issermann, Constantine Luser, Rachel Morellet, Steven Morgana, Sofia Olmeda, Tanja Pak, Eva Petric, Renzo Piano, Omar Polak, Bianca Regl, Bruno Romanelli, Mimmo Roselli, Phoebe Rudomino, Pinuccio Sciola, Frank Stella, Una Szeemann, Elena Tagliapietra, Morgane Tschiember, Dewen Valentine, Bill Viola, Luciano Vistosi, Karl Weibl, Robert Wilson, Kimiko Yoshida, Toni Zuccheri.