Gera 1 – Visual interpretation

Il suo lavoro si concentra sulla Glitch Art ed è caratterizzato da ritratti realistici e forme astratte che convivono in uno spazio pieno di diapositive con intensi contrasti cromatici. Gera 1 lavora come freelance dipingendo murales e facendo mostre in tutta Europa.
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Gera 1 è nato ad Atene, in Grecia ed è un artista murale che ha iniziato il suo percorso nei graffiti nel 2009. È uno studente della School of Fine Arts e ha anche studiato arti grafiche e applicate.
Gera 1 ha preso parte a diverse mostre d'arte come "Way Out" alla Toss Gallery e "Father and sons of Banksy" al Kultur Spati di Berlino; Ha esposto alla galleria Kamellebuttek in Lussemburgo e al National Theatre of Northern Greece in Salonicco. Ha partecipato anche a numerosi festival di graffiti come Meetings of Styles, Step in the Arena, SAF Thessaloniki, Stray Art Festival, e anche in diversi eventi artistici come live Paintings allo Space Lab e all’Athens Law School.
Il suo lavoro si concentra sulla Glitch Art ed è caratterizzato da ritratti realistici e forme astratte che convivono in uno spazio pieno di diapositive con intensi contrasti cromatici.
Gera 1 lavora come freelance dipingendo murales e facendo mostre in tutta Europa.
Gera 1 was born in Athens, Greece and he is a mural artist that started as a graffiti writer in 2009. He is a student at the School of Fine Arts and he has also studied Graphic and Applied Arts.
He took part in several art exhibitions such as ‘Way Out’ at Toss Gallery, “Father and sons of Banksy” at Kultur Spati in Berlin,Germany. He worked with Kamellebuttek gallery in Luxemburg and with National Theatre of Northern Greece in Thessaloniki . He has also partecipated in several graffiti festivals such as Meetings Of Styles, Step in the Arena, SAF Thessaloniki, Stray Art Festival, and also in several art events such as live Paintings at Space Lab and Athens Law School.
His work focus on Glitch Art and it is characterized by realistic portraits and abstract forms that coexist in a space full of slides and intense color contrasts.
Gera 1 works as a freelancer by painting murals and doing exhibitions around Europe