Edge of Chaos

Mostra collettiva dal titolo Expelled from Paradise.
Comunicato stampa
Edge of Chaos
Opening: May 5, 3 pm
Duration: May 6 – June 13, 2015
Opening Hours: Monday – Sunday, 11 am – 6 pm
Casa Donati, Dorsoduro 1051, 30123 Venezia, Italy
On the occasion of the 56th Biennale di Venezia, Vita Zaman and Nicola Vassell are pleased to present Edge of Chaos (Expelled from Paradise), an exhibition with new works by Audra Vau, Gianluca Malgeri and LaToya Ruby Frazier.
Edge of Chaos (Expelled from Paradise) is inspired by the artists’ response to the current global crisis, where chaos reigns. Their work investigates the parallels that exist between the oppression and subordination of women, social and economic injustice and the degradation of nature. All three artists are supporters of the alternative worldview that values the earth as sacred, recognizes humanity’s dependency on the natural world and embraces all life as valuable.
Ecofeminism points out that women have a special interconnectivity with nature that has been ignored. The alternative modes of knowing, which are oriented to the social needs as well as spirituality are not recognized by the capitalist reductionist paradigm; a paradigm that creates conceptual binaries and ideological hierarchies and allows a systematic justification of domination by one subject over another (e.g. man over woman, culture over nature, white over black).
All the artists created new bodies of work for the exhibition: Audra Vau’s new video and photographic series “Out of Control” explores artist’s personal relationship with a very local and post agricultural Lithuanian landscape. The sculptures by Ginaluca Malgeri resemble models of utopian architecture and are based on his investigation of works of the Lithuanian symbolist painter and composer Mykalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis. LaToya Ruby Frazier has made and autobiographical video, which documents a visit to an alternative healer in a detox clinic that she made with her mother. Both of them suffer from illnesses caused by pollution in their town.
LaToya Ruby Frazier’s (b. 1982, Braddock, PE, USA) work is a collaboration between the artist and her family, blurring the line between self-portraiture and social documentary. Solo exhibitions (selection): Brooklyn Museum; Seattle Art Museum; Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston and Contemporary Arts Museum Houston. Group exhibitions (selection): Busan Biennial: Inhabiting the world, Busan, South Korea (2014); The Way Of The Shovel: Art as Archaeology, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Empire State. New York Art Now, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, Italy (both 2013); 2012 Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY (2012) and The Generational Triennial: Younger Than Jesus (2009). Upcoming solo exhibition at Galerie Michel Rein, Brussels (2015).
Gianluca Malgeri (b. 1974, Calabria, Italy) creates multifaceted works using installation, sculpture, video and performance. Solo exhibitions (selection): God Bless You, GaleriArtist, Istanbul (2012) and Insha’Allah, Magazzino, Rome (2011). Group exhibitions (selection): Apollo and Daphne, white rabbit, Berlin (2009); Things Cast no Shadow, Berlin Biennale, Johann König Gallery, Berlin (2008) and Do It, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice (2003).
Audra Vau (b. 1970, Vilnius, Lithuania) works with the idea of performativity of nature, parallel reality and human perfection. She uses mediums of video and photography. Group exhibitions (selection): Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius (2013) and Christine Konig Gallery, Vienna (2014), Max Lust Gallery, Vienna (2015), upcoming solo show at Perpetual Experts, L.A. (2015).