Derek Di Fabio – Yslands

La prima residenza del nuovo progetto di Almanac (spazio no-profit londinese) a Torino ospita l’artista milanese di base a Londra. Di Fabio presenta un progetto che intreccia isole e residenze.
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Almanac is thrilled to present Almanac Inn, a new programme of residencies and exhibitions in Turin. The project, supported by Spazioborgogno, is located at Via degli Artisti 10, in the historical rooms that hosted the cultural association by the same name in the 1990’s.
For the first residency, London-based artist Derek Di Fabio (Milan, 1987) will develop Yslands, a project that intertwines ongoing research around islands with the possibilities and limitations of being ‘in residence’.
Almanac Inn is an experimental platform in Turin that aims to facilitate exchange between young international artists, the local audience and curators, institutions and collectors. Established as an extension of Almanac's London-based programme and with the material support of Spazioborgogno, Milan, the platform is conceived as a series of residencies and exhibitions directed by critical research.
The project is located at Via degli Artisti 10, in the historical rooms that hosted the cultural association by the same name in the 1990’s.
Almanac Inn is run with the collaboration of Davide La Montagna and Matteo Mottin.
Design by Jessica Gaudino.