56. Biennale – Padiglione taiwanese

Informazioni Evento

Castello 4209, Venezia, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

10–18h, closed Mondays


ore 18.30

Email: charlotte@suttonprasia.com
Sito web: http://www.tfam.museum
arte contemporanea

Taiwan presenta il progetto Wu Tien-chang Never Say Goodbye alla 56. Biennale di Venezia.

Comunicato stampa

Presented by Taipei Fine Arts Museum of Taiwan

Wu Tien-chang: Never Say Goodbye, Collateral Event of the 56th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, opening on 7 May will be a major solo exhibition by leading Taiwanese artist Wu Tien-chang at the Palazzo delle Prigioni. Curated by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, the exhibition, Never Say Goodbye, will feature a newly commissioned video installation Farewell, Spring and Autumn Pavilions alongside Wu's works of moving images and photography.

Located at Palazzo delle Prigioni, a former prison inside the Palazzo Ducale, Wu Tien-chang: Never Say Goodbye will explore the atmosphere and particular sentiments of westernization in the post-war era of Taiwan, whilst also responding to shifts in the historical regime over the past century. The new video installation Farewell, Spring and Autumn Pavilions will feature a haunting character wrapped in a sensual and seductive latex skin which is both striking in colour and dark in its ghost-like fictitious nature. The resulting work will depict haunting scenes, embedded in Wu's interests in photographic theories, Taiwan's complex history and culture and the history of the site itself. As well as the video piece, a series of dramatic staged photographs will evoke memories and nostalgia embedded within everyone—reflecting the lingering presences in the prison who are reluctant to leave as they are torn between love and hate for the mortal realm.

Ms. Fang Mei-ching, Chief Curator of Taipei Fine Arts Museum said, "At the show, Wu uses the flamboyant and kitsch appearances of the ghostly figures in his photography works and video installation as disguises of charm to confide in the past pains that cannot be shouldered by the individual or the entire nation. On one hand, the intricate history of post-war Taiwan is revealed, and on the other hand the romantic aspiration for the future is projected. These seemingly parallel and opposing lines have struck a balance on a perfect crossing point at the presentation, by establishing a memorable dialogue within the exhibition space and venue."

Born in Changhua, Taiwan in 1956, and spending most of his time in Keelung, Wu Tien-chang is renowned for his oil paintings and digital photography which comment on the socio-political aspect of life. Wu's work reveals the contradictions of the photographic medium, with its apparent reality, yet often contrived and fictitious nature. Since 2000, he began incorporating digital retouching and image-collage techniques in his staged photography—painting backdrops, scripting, lighting, photography, making props, and directing models by himself in order to integrate the various conflicting elements into something unique and captivating. He currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan and has featured in major exhibitions internationally, including the Soho Photo Gallery, New York (2010); the Hong Kong Art Centre, Hong Kong (2010); Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan (2010); Art Beijing, Beijing, China (2009); the National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China (2009); the Taipei Cultural Center, New York (2008) and MOMA Contemporary, Fukuoka, Japan (1997).

Taipei Fine Arts Museum has organized the presentation of the artists from Taiwan at the Venice Biennale since 1995. Yet, Wu Tien-chang: Never Say Goodbye is the first solo show determined by a selection committee and held by TFAM.

Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan
Taiwan's first museum of modern and contemporary art, Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM) was officially opened to the public on December 24, 1983. Located in Taipei, the museum occupies over 20,000 square meters of space, of which 11,741 square meters are devoted to exhibitions. The inception of the TFAM was a response to the budding movement of modern art in Taiwan. TFAM has dedicated itself to the development of modern art in Taiwan over the past few years while staying abreast of ongoing trends in contemporary art.

In order to engage with contemporary art scene globally, TFAM has hosted the Taipei Biennial since 1998, inviting internationally renowned curators and artists to cooperate with the local artistic circle. The shows held over the past decade have both increased the visibility of Taiwan and expanded the global networks on the world stage..

Since its inception, TFAM has not only been a platform for exhibiting artworks from Taiwan and overseas, it has also been an initiator of exchange between the Taiwanese and international art worlds. Through collaborative exhibitions, TFAM has been able to establish a dialogue with a global audience.

Press enquires
Charlotte Yip, Sutton PR Asia: [email protected] / T + 852 2528 0792
Chung-hsien Lin, Taipei Fine Arts Museum: [email protected] / T + 886 2 25957656 ext. 111