15. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Italia

Informazioni Evento

Campo Della Tana (Castello) , Venezia, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

ore 16,30


L’italia presenta TAKING CARE – Progettare per il bene comune.

Comunicato stampa

Architecture intended as a service to the community, to the care of individuals, of spaces, of places, and of the principles and resources.

TAM Associati believes that architecture should be intelligent, participatory and it should make a difference. Architecture should be able to disrupt the status quo and imagine a better future. The project presented by the studio for the Architecture Biennale aims at creating a new civic awareness. Architecture should be at the service of the social common good.

The theme of “taking care” wants to be a tangible proof of how architecture can help spread and make effective the principles of culture, socialization, participation, health, integration, legality at any place and at any scale