Particolare. paths of democracy

Informazioni Evento

Campo San Polo 2177, Venezia, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

martedì, mercoledì e venerdì ore 10-13, giovedì e sabato ore 15-19


ore 19-00


ingresso libero

Goshka Macuga, Gilberto Zorio, Giovanni Anselmo, Mirosław Bałka, Elżbieta Jabłońska, Zuzanna Janin, Jerzy Janiszewski, Katarzyna Kozyra, Zofia Kulik, Angelika Markul, Gioia Meller Marcovicz, Anna Molska
arte contemporanea, collettiva

La mostra cerca di illustrare i complessi legami tra arte e democrazia.

Comunicato stampa

Particolare. paths of democracy

Particolare. paths of democracy, the second exhibition of the diptych presenting selected works from the Signum Foundation Collection as well as works by invited artists will take place at the Venetian headquarters of the Foundation during the 54th Biennale.

With the first part of the diptych, entitled Awake and Dream, the Polish foundation inaugurated its activity in Venice two years ago. While the first exhibition was dedicated to the concept of desire, the second one, under the title Particolare (from the work by Giovanni Anselmo, 1972). paths of democracy, refers to the concept of democracy.

The concepts of desire and of democracy lie within the field of the foundation's interests. Throughout a variety of artistic and societally-engaged activities, the foundation seeks to realize the ideal of openness to others. The desire of democracy arises in a society as a result of the pursuit of equality, justice and freedom.

The exhibition—within the obvious limits—is an attempt to illustrate the complex links between art and democracy. The changing course of history defines their mutual dependence in many ways but the defense of democratic values as well as the criticism of any new threats are always very important to the artists.

Signum Foundation

Established in 2002 in Poznan, Poland, Signum Foundation opened its new exhibition venue in Palazzo Donà in Venice in May 2009. This non-profit foundation promotes art by organizing theme exhibitions and presenting its own collection of contemporary art. The exhibitions and events of interdisciplinary character bring a new perspective to the presentation of art. The main goal of the Foundation's activities is to offer an artistic analysis of the current cultural and social issues in relation to a specific site and event.