Michael Lawton – Trenta per Venticinque


Informazioni Evento

via San Pedrino 4 , Varese, Italia
Dal al

tutti i giorni su appuntamento


ore 18

Telefono: +39 3474283218
Michael Lawton
arte contemporanea, personale

Michael Lawton torna a Yellow per la sua prima personale in ItaliaTrenta per Venticinque sono i centimetri che delimitano l’altezza e la base di tutte le opere pittoriche di Michael, diventando appunto limite entro il quale scatenare infinite possibilità illusionistiche.

Comunicato stampa

Michael Lawton torna a Yellow per la sua prima personale in ItaliaTrenta per Venticinque sono i centimetri che delimitano l’altezza e la base di tutte le opere pittoriche di Michael, diventando appunto limite entro il quale scatenare infinite possibilità illusionistiche. I soggetti di Lawton sono imprevisti, immagini accadute quasi per caso e raccolte in una realtà quotidiana che, a stare attenti, offre spunti curiosi dai quali lasciarsi interrogare.
Michael Lawton è pittore e scrittore. Vive e lavora a Londra.

Vera Portatadino: Lets start from the title of the show. All your paintings are the same size, and this size is 30 x 25 cm. Is there a specific reason for the size you chose? I remember you painting in larger scale. Do you ever miss that? Do you ever find your 30 x 25 cm scale constraining?

Michael Lawton: Well I allow myself both orientations, so the paintings can either be 30 x 25 or 25 x 30, that gives me some scope, it was the reason I rejected a square as my size. I sometimes miss painting larger, but I console myself that my smaller work has almost always been better than my large work. Big work seems quite indulgent to me these days. And I can always go back, I’m not saying I painting the same size forever, just for now.

There are suggestive things about this size; books, pages, things that obviously appeal to me as a writer.

It is a size that suggests more if that makes sense? More paintings, more subject, a world outside the frame.
From “Trenta per Venticinque. a Conversation with Michael Lawton”

Yellow is an artist-run space founded in 2014 and directed by artist Vera Portatadino. It is based in Varese and it is part of Zentrum, a contemporary platform for the arts. Yellow is a new scenario for national and international painting.


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