Marcus Jansen – Arte in casa

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Via Fago 30 (39100) , Bolzano, Italia
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Catalogo: con testo di Alessandro Riva
Marcus Jansen
Anna Bonanni
arte contemporanea, personale

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Di Marcus Jansen
About Marcus Jansen
Über Marcus Jansen
Nato nel 1968 a Manhattan, New York
Scoperto dall’ex direttore di museo Jerome A. Donson (direttore di American Vanguard Exhibitions Europe 1961), responsabile delle mostre itineranti presso il Museo di Arte Moderna di New York (Museum of Modern Art, MOMA), Jansen è un pittore affermato, additato da molti come un pioniere della pittura espressiva del paesaggio urbano. Donson fa riferimento all’opera di Jansen definendola "reminescente della Ash-Can School".
Jansen è annoverato nella lista degli artisti citati in Who's Who in American Art, e le sue opere si trovano in svariate collezioni museali, quali quelle del Museo di Arte Moderna di Mosca (MMOMA), in Russia, Museo PERMM di Arte Contemporanea, in Russia, New Britain Museum of American Art, CT, Museo Kemper di Arte Contemporanea, MO, Museo Nazionale di Belle Arti Taiwan, a Taiwan e Smithsonian Institution a Washington DC. Jansen è anche uno degli artisti ABSOLUT VODKA di questo secolo accanto a nomi del calibro di Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol e Keith Haring, oltre a ricevere commissioni da aziende come la Warner Brothers e la Ford Motor Company.
Jansen è un veterano dell’esercito degli Stati Uniti che ha trasformato la propria vita, diventando, dopo il congedo militare nel 1997, da soldato sul fronte di guerra, uno dei principali pittori espressionisti d’America. Jansen ha frequentato la Kunstgewerbe Schule Berufskolleg für Technik und Medien am Platz der Republik a Mönchengladbach nel 1985.
I suoi riconoscimenti includono il New American Paintings No. 94 Alumni Cover 2012, a cura di Dan Cameron, fondatore del progetto New Orleans, l’Aesthetica Art Prize 2012, Regno Unito; il Premio Arte Laguna 2013, a Venezia Italia; il Dave Bown Project Grant nel 2012 ed è stato selezionato per il Premio d’Arte alla Biennale di Fleurieu del 2013, in Australia, designato come il premio pittura di paesaggio di maggior prestigio del mondo, a cura di Nigel Hurst, Direttore e Amministratore Delegato della Saatchi Gallery di Londra.
Jansen ha partecipato a varie mostre presso sedi museali e a biennali, tra cui la XII Biennale Internazionale della Stampa e del Disegno tenutati nel 2007 presso il Museo Nazionale di Belle Arti di Taiwan, a cura di David Kiehl del Whitney Museum of Art, la mostra "Anonymous" tenutasi presso il PERMM Museum of Contemporary Art nel 2013, a cura di Marat Guelman, e la recente mostra "All Florida", tenutasi nel 2013 al Boca Raton Museum of Art, a cura di Mark Scala, capo curatore al First Center for the Visual Arts, a Nashville. L’opera di Jansen è stata pubblicata su riviste d'arte quali: Art News, American Art Collectors, Art in America, Art Pulse, Art Ltd. Si ricorda il suo recente progetto dal titolo "The Art Album", a cura di Dawud Knuckles di ART ON DEKZ, un libro edito con il supporto di Russell Simmons, anfdato i n stampa a New York nel 2013, dove troviamo Jansen sulla copertina assieme, all’interno, ad alcuni tra gli artisti più celebrati del mondo, come Shepard Fairey, Takashi Murakami, Marlene Dumas, Kehinde Wiley, Jonathan Meese, Daniel Richter e Chuck Close.
Born 1968, Manhattan New York City, Jansen was first influence by a vibrant Graffiti art movement that was emerging in his Bronx Neighborhood. He spent most of his childhood years traveling between New York City and Europe and received his education in Germany while traveling most of the Western world. Jansen grew up bilingual speaking German and English exposed to conversational Dutch in his surrounding areas. He was raised by his Westindien Mother from Jamaica and German Father from Moenchangldabach Germany. In 1982, Jansen revisted New York and was introduced to graffiti art legend WEST who encourgaed Jansen to paint. In 1990, after his studies at the Kunstgewerbe Schule and not being able to paint for a living, Jansen joined the US Armed Forces and was sent immediately to his first assignment with Fort Bragg, NC., to Desert Storm.
Jansen was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in 1992 and began painting as a means to survive after participating in art therapy classes at Walter Reed in Washington DC. After becoming critical of US foreign policies, Jansen discharged and started creating gritty urban landscapes in 1997 and introduced them first to the German public at street fairs and later in 1999 in New York City on the corner of Prince Street & Broadway. It was there where he sold his first works to celebrity clients like Hollywood actor John Ortiz who at the time was filming with Julian Schnabel in Downtown Manhattan. Jansen did well selling his work in Manhattan and working as bartender in Long Island on weekends to be able to continue his craft during the week. In 2004 after Jansen moved to Florida, one of Jansen's career highlights was the introduction to artist Robert Rauschenberg by friend and Musician Kat Epple at the Bob Rauschenberg Gallery during a joint exhibition. The same year, he met Museum director Jerome A. Donson, former director of traveling exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York and director of the American Vanguard Exhibitions in Europe 1961 discovered Jansens work and Digital artist Laurence Gartel, who became a mentor.
In 2007, Jansen was invited to his first International Biennial in Taiwan at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, where Jansen received honorable mentions by the curators that included David Kiehl from the Whitney Museum of Art in New York. Jansen's Museum collections include The Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA), Russia, The PERMM Museum of Contemporary Art, Russia, The New Britain Museum of American Art, CT, The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, MO,The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, Taiwan, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC and recently the UIyanovsk Museum of Fine Art, Russia. He became this years finalist at the Fleurieu Art Prize 2013 Biennale, Australia noted as the highest valued landscape painting prize anywhere in the world curated by Nigel Hurst, Director & Chief Executive, Saatchi Gallery London.
Jansen opened his 7000sqft. large scale loft studio UNIT A in SW Florida after his wife's sudden death in 2011. Historically it is there, where World renowned artists like Robert Rauschenberg, Roy Lichtenstein, Darryl Pottorf and others have resided for decades. Jansen's awards include The Aesthetica Art Prize 2012 in the United Kingdom, the Laguna Art Prize 2013, Venice Italy and the Dave Bown Project Award in the United States. Jansen is also one of the ABSOLUT VODKA artist’s of this century along side names Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol and Keith Haring. His most recent project "The Art Album", a Russell Simmons supported book release by "Art on Dekz" in New York City shows Jansen’s work on the book cover with some of the worlds most recognized contemporary artists inside including, Shepard Fairey, Takashi Murakami, Jonathan Meese, Daniel Richter and Chuck Close.
Entdeckt wurde Jansen vom Kunsthistoriker und ehemaligen Museumsdirektor Jerome A. Donson. Dieser war Direktor der American Vanguard Exhibitions Europe 1961 und zuständig für internationale Ausstellungen am Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Jansen besuchte 1985 das Berufskolleg für Technik und Medien in Mönchengladbach. Während seiner Zeit beim Militär studierte er an der Austin Pea State University. Jansen ist zweisprachig und US Kriegsveteran. Im Jahr 1997 wandelte sich sein Leben von dem eines Golfkriegsteilnehmers in das eine zeitgenössischen Malers.
Im Folgenden wurden seine Arbeiten in verschiedenen Internationalen Ausstellungen und Biennalen ausgestellt, einschließlich der 12. International Print & Drawing Biennale im Jahr 2007 am National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Kurator David Kiehl). Darüber hinaus wurden seine Werke im Whitney Museum of Art, NY, im PERMM Museum of Contemporary Art in der von Marat Gelman kuratierten "Anonymous"-Show im Jahr 2013 sowie in der jüngsten Boca Raton Museum of Art "All Florida" Ausstellung im Jahr 2013, (Kurator Mark Scala, Leitender Kurator an der Frist Center for the Visual Arts, in Nashville, Tennessee) gezeigt.
Seine Auszeichnungen umfassen die New American Paintings Alumni Auswahl im Jahr 2011, der Aesthetica Kunstpreis 2012 Großbritannien und der Arte Laguna Kunstpreis 2013 in Venedig, Italien. Seine Werke werden auf internationalen Messen während der Art Basel Miami Beach, Art Chicago, Art Dubai und die LA Art Show ausgestellt.
Jansen Arbeiten wurden u.a. in Art News, Art in America, Art Pulse und der New York Times erwähnt.
Seien Werke sind in folgenden Museumssammlungen zu finden: im Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA) Russland, im PERMM Museum of Contemporary Art, Russland, im New Britain Museum of American Art, CT, im Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, MO, im National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, Taiwan und im Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. Jansen ist ein „ABSOLUT VODKA“ Künstler und befindet sich somit in Gesellschaft so berühmter Vorgänger wie Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol und Keith Haring.
Zu den kommenden Ausstellungen gehören "Under the Influence" bei Phillips de Pury Genf Schweiz und Moskau Russland, gefolgt von dem "Art Album" Buchprojekt mit fuehrenden Internationalen Künstlern wie Chuck Close, Shepard Fairey, Takashi Murakami, Marlene Dumas, Kehinde Whiley, so wie auch Deutsche Kuenstler wie Jonathan Meese, Daniel Richter.