Life Stripe by Spread
Evento tra arte e design, organizzato dallo studio d’architettura OBR.
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La Galleria Antonio Battaglia ha il piacere di invitarvi domani martedì 22 luglio, ore 19 - 21, a "Life Stripe by SPREAD", evento tra arte e design, organizzato dallo studio d'architettura OBR ( che da quest'anno ha aperto la sua sede milanese in Via Ciovasso, 4, di fronte alla nostra galleria; nell'occasione sarà possibile visitare la galleria fino alle 21 per un saluto prima delle vacanze.
A Life Stripe is a “pattern of life” made by replacing one’s everyday actions such as sleeping, dining, relaxing, and working, with 21 colors (selected based on research), and recording them along a 24-hour time axis. We have collected over 150,000 life records of both well-known and ordinary people of various careers, circumstances, genders, and age, as well as animals, and made Life Stripes based on them. We continue these Life Stripes to this day. In Japan, we held exhibitions in Traumatis space in Ebisu and Spiral Garden in Minami-Aoyama. Regarding overseas exhibitions, it is been three years that we display in Fuori Salone in Milan. Through this method of expression which was inspired by a friend’s withdrawal from society, we (SPREAD) have faith that “Living life creates a beautiful pattern” and that “looking back on the past helps to create a future”.
Hirokazu Kobayashi and Haruna Yamada
Creative unit built by Hirokazu Kobayashi and Haruna Yamada in 2004. By mixing the concept of landscape design and graphic design, and by dismantling and rebuilding the memory, We spread multidisciplinary creations to the future. Since 2004, “Life Stripe” is an on-going art project that records patterns of life in colors.
Awards: D&AD award (UK), red dot design award (Germany), iF design award (Germany), Good Design Award (Japan), PENTAWARDS (Belgium), Design for Asia Award (Hong Kong).