Gintaras Didžiapetris – Colore e dispositivo

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An embassy is a diplomatic representation of one state in another. Its purpose is to maintain official relations between the countries, pursue the objectives of foreign policies of the country that it represents and protect the interests of that country, its citizens, its enterprises and juridical entities.
Most aspects of embassies and corps diplomatiques are considered a product of geopolitics. But geopolitical study can be applied not only to matters of state, but also to cities, institutions and various communities: everything that is contained within tangible boundaries, and has an established order of distribution of authority.
An embassy is a concentration of certain mentality, a dense and clear version of thinking. The term ‘embassy’ can be applied to places of worship, or centres of contemporary art. A greenhouse is also an embassy, as is a coffee bean, a chili seed or any other object-traveller.
Abstraction is both informed by the world and learned – a concrete and known part of reality that exists and is shared within different contexts and with many degrees of complexity. Abstraction and reality, in the end, are two degrees closer to one another than imagined.
We are glad to invite you to Color and Device, a show by Gintaras Didžiapetris.
The exhibition provides the first opportunity to see Didžiapetris’s 16mm film trilogy in its entirety: Optical Events (2010),
A Byzantine Place (2011) and Transit (2012).
Different versions of this exhibition will be on view at Objectif Exhibitions in Antwerp, and Villa Croce Museum of Contemporary Art in Genoa.