18. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Padiglione Messicano
Il progetto Infraestructura utópica: La cancha de básquetbol campesina / Utopian Infrastructure: The Campesino Basketball Court rappresenta il Messico alla Biennale Architettura.
Comunicato stampa
Title: Infraestructura utópica: La cancha de básquetbol campesina / Utopian Infrastructure: The Campesino Basketball Court
Commissioner: Diego E. Sapién Muñoz, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura
Curator/Exhibitor: APRDELESP y Mariana Botey
The concept is based on the scheme of a basketball court as a research laboratory, beyond the sports theme, a temporary space for socialising, to play, debate, work and hang out. Creativity, fun, and dialogue in a recognisable space in urban and rural environments.