17. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Future School

Il progetto Future School rappresenta la Corea del Sud alla Biennale Architettura 2021.
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Korea (Republic of) 2021
Future School
Giardini, Giardini, Castello, 30122, Venice, Italy
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Title: Future School
Commissioner: Arts Council Korea
Curator: Hae-Won Shin
Exhibitors: Abnormal+, Peter Adey, Xenia Adjoubei, Christine Aglot, Ahn Eun-me, Ahn Jae Woo, Ryu Ahn, Ahn Sang-soo, Arts Letters and Numbers, Jaeha Ban, Catrina Beevor, Andrew Benjamin, Ana Betancour, Joshua Bolchover, Lara Bober, Joff Bradley, Marco Bruno, Matthew Butcher, Simone Carena, Marcello Carpino, Pablo Castro, Hyunbae Chang, Alexandra Valerie Chem, Kyuhyung Cho, Cho Minsuk, Tony Cho, Young-Rong Choo, Binna Choi, Hyewon Choi, Sunwoong Choi, Taeyoon Choi, Yunhee Choi, Jae Sung Chon, Choson Exchange, Calvin Chua, Center for Technology in Humanities, Harry Chun, Alejandro Haiek Coll, Claudia Consonni, Maria Crispal, Gaia Crocella, Anshuman Dasgupta, Jacopo David, Nick De Pace, Mark William Devenney, Killian Doherty, Oriana Eliçabe, Frida Foberg, Marialisa Fontanabona, Anthony Fontenot, G-Campus, Global Free Unit, Marco Gambare, Chiara Garbin, David Gersten, Davide Giacometti, Emine Gorgul, Antigoni Goutakoli, Rupali Gupte, H. Meltem Ö. Gürel, Han Sungpil, Peter Hasdell, HRS, Rhianon Morgan Hatch, Jason Hilgefort, Azuma Hiroki, Mingi Hong, Haobin Huang, Doojin Hwang, Jie-Eun Hwang, Nahyun Hwang, Jeong Heon Hyeon, Mattia Inselvini, Stella Ioannidou, Matt James, YoungGyu Jang, Jinhong Jeon, Hyeyoon Jeong, Jeong Mi sun, Dann Jessen, Kihyun Jo, Daeun Joo, Dongkoo Jung, Hyeyoon Jung, E Roon Kang, Youngmean Kang, Hanif Mohamed Kara, Amalia Katopodis, Ah-Yeon Kim, Daecheon Kim, Dongsei Kim, Eun Jeong Kim, Hansoo Kim, Jae K. Kim, Jin-Hyoung Kim, Jooyoung Kim, Jungyoon Kim, Kwangsoo Kim, Kyunchul Kim, You Been Kim, So Young Kim, Sunhyun Kim, Taedong Kim, Taeyoon Kim, Ted Kim, Hitomi Koyama, Andreas Lang, Andrew LeClair, Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Aram Lee, Changju Lee, Dong Yong Lee, Haevan Lee, Hyewon Lee, Hyunhee Lee, Jennifer Lee, JiYun Lee, Jihoi Lee, Jinhye Lee, Jinhyoung Lee, Peter Lee, Sang-youp Lee, Sojin Lee, Taehyun Lee, Yong Ju Lee, Leeon Architects, Ryan Leifield, Christiano Lepratti, Yeonghwan Lim, Sojin Lee, Jade Keun Hye Lim, Soojung Lim, Xiaoxuan Lu, Cristiano Luchetti, Rafael Luna, Peter Lynch, Joon Ma, Manoj NY, Leonidas Martin, David Ortega Martinez, Davide Masserini, Corinne Mazzoli, Hasbrouck Miller, MiMi, Raffaele Marone, David Eugin Moon, Mospiran, Robert Mull, Kent Mundle, NHDM Architects, Stankomir Nicieja, Carlotta Novella, ODÆRI, One-Aftr, Ayselin Gozde Yildiz Oguzalp, Jooyoung Oh, Minwook Oh, Sang Hoon Oh, Eymen Özkan, Hyungmin Pai, Chung Whan Park, Daham Park, Dongmin Park, Jennifer Park, Kyong Park, Seongtae Park, Hyun Park, Lukas Pauer, PaTI, Annie Pedret, Erik Persson, Giada Peterle, Luca Pili, Claudia Pochana, Gerard Reinmuth, Rhaomi, Chris Ro, Anne O Rourke, Alessandro Russo, Haemin Ryu, Minjoo Ryu, Luigi Savio, Christian Schweitzer, Kelli Scott, Rafi Segal, Dong-jin Seo, Hyun-Suk Seo, Wontae Seo, Sewoon.School, Prasad Shetty, Yoshiko Shimada, Youngkyu Shim, Hyunjoon Shin, Inseop Shin, Slow Signal, Leo James Smith, Hojun Song, Ryul Song, Seonghee Song, Yehwan Song, Giuseppe Stampone, Studio 908A, Studios terra, Stuff Design, Yehre Suh, Shawn Sullivan, Heidi Svenningsen-Kajita, Dolf Jan Hendrik te Lintelo, Ipek Türeli, The HK+ Mobility Humanities Education Centre, The Korean Society of Literature, Toshiya Ueno, Francesca Ulivi, Alexander Valentino, Carl-Johan Vesterlund, Ian Waelder, Tobias Westerlund, Myungsim Yang, Jaehee Yi, Dongwoo Yim, Junghyun Yoon, Young Architects Forum Korea, Slavoj Žižek, Yoon Zo, Kyung Jin Zoh
The project rethinks the Korean pavilion as a performative platform, discarding the idea of the archetypical educative institution.
“Future School” is a meeting place for exchanging and dialogue, where contributing architects, educators, artists, and more, and communities could gather to address the global challenges of diaspora, climate crisis, and innovation. Parallel programming of events runs at the pavilion and Future School’s Seoul campus throughout the Biennale in Venice, with live broadcasting between locations.